Physical Computing and IOT
Workshop — 2022-12-21
Location: M.1 — 14:00-17:00
After the previous workshop, we will continue to explore the world of hardware by connecting our devices to the internet. We will learn about what kinds of chips we need and how we do the communication between the physical and digital worlds.
- Learn about the hardware that powers IOT, like the ESP-32.
- Learn about the communication protocols used in IOT, like MQTT.
- Learn how to provide a bridge between the physical and digital world, through services like Shiftr.
- Follow the previous workshop, Physical Computing 101. You can also watch a recording online.
After showing some existing examples we will build a robot that can interact based on a web page. We'll go through all the different parts, both on the hardware side and the software side.
Next Steps
- Frederik Vandenbosch has an amazing YouTube channel showing how he builds crazy machines and hacks. Have a look at syntax programming for the same micro:bit. Wander around in the world of Arduino, Raspberry Pi or build a banana piano with Makey makey Visit a Maker Faire to see other people working in the field.